Saturday, August 05, 2006

Who'd a thunk it

Who'd a thunk one screen door would bring so much joy into the world? Keepers have been slowly rearranging our family room into their art studio where they can create their artwork, work on calligraphy, write poetry, work on the website, keeperskorner, read other friends blogs, etc and we finally bought a new screen door to replace the old half destroyed one we had. Now when it's not 100+ degrees they can open the door with the screen door there, turn on the attic fan and get a nice breeze flowing through the room. It may be the crowning touch for the studio, for the time being at least.

Now, the other two who really like the screen door are Max and Owen our cats. They love it!!! wow, look at that over there...and over there...what's that? Never been this close to the squirrels before or the birds!!! Owen lays there on the landing floor and inches his way closer to the screen, watching the goings on outside in our backyard. Then stretches out and lets the breeze rub his belly.

Max watches intently, good place for trapping flies!! Bat it this way then that way then swallow it, spit it out and chase it all over again.

One door...priceless.

1 comment:

Mariaehart said...

Hello John My Dear Friend:)

WOW sounds bliss indeed thank you for sharing this with us all here and sure sounds like Owen and Maz too are in their element LOL glad it has made such a difference for you and Keepers my friends:)

Lots of Love
Your Friend