Sunday, August 20, 2006

This n That

This is a potpouri blog, first off I would like to remind those of you that read an earlier blog about From Continuance to Mission that my wifes website keeperskorner
has gone from being a site about support and selling art to being solely support with the art being donated to survivors who want a particular piece maybe because it touches them in some way or because it captures some of their feelings or inspires them or whatever their particular reason is. It has become a ministry of sorts for su, to help other people on their healing journey in most any way we can. There is even a toll free number for US residents to call us just to hear a friendly voice. We cannot give advice as we are not prefessionals, just people who have been through a lot and are still going down that road, but we are good listeners and sometimes that is what people need the most. Please feel free to visit keeperskorner and perhaps recommend it to anyone you know who may in recovery from an abusive situation.

It is interesting how things work out some times. I receive a message from a friend over on Yahoo 360 and I reply back very simply. I think I am on her mailing list and someone else mails her and she mails them and the next I know I am getting copied in on several other message strings. Somehow, someway as one of the people said they received a reply from me and then visited this blog and asked to add me to thier friends list. I was pleased to and will add them also, expanding the range of this site as well as theirs.

Keepers, my wife, SO, friend, partner are continually amazed, as am I as to how we all can learn from each other. It appears so and so is really having a rough time on their blogs, we comments and it is obvious that all who visit see a person in dire straights, in a "real pickle" and then two days later here they are, writing a blog that you go, sheez I never thought of that or wow, that is so right, so true I wonder why I never saw that before! We all can learn so much gain so much insight if we take the time to listenm to read, to hear what others are saying. Try it, you will learn something about others and maybe even about yourself.

Lastly, I wish more people would leave comments both on keeperskorner
and here and on the Yahoo 360 site. We know people are visiting and reading but few are leaving comments. We all need more points of views, more perspectives, to see if we are heading in the right direction, providing what people want or need. There are other things we could write about, but we also need requests for our point of view or our experiences. Let us know what you want and we will try to do our best to provide it.

Til next time

john michael and Keepers


i used to be me said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I've done a little reading at Keepers and plan to return to read more when I have more time to take it all in.

Tracy said...

I think you have a wonderful ministry! Your Keeperskorner site shares such amazing hope! Hope for anyone who has been abused, and hope that one can heal. Whether it be through artwork, poems or sharing ones story. I found the site very encourageing.

keepers said...

Hi U.G.

we are so glad you stopped here and at keeperskorner!! we hope you will find time to revisit us and read a bit more, and please, feel free to elac=ve comments there or send in via emails. We always want feedback from our sisitors so we can tell how we are doing and maybe which direction to go in.

peace and blessings


keepers said...

Hello Mysti

Thank you for your very kind words. Sometimes we are afraid we are not writing what people want to see or hear but then someone like you says we are, so we respond, or at least try to, to keep on helping in any way we can. Some of our most popular articles or blogs have been ones we thought were of no interest to others and we were wrong!! So thank you again and we hope to read more from you soon.

peace and blessings
