Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Communication, one of the most important abilities we have. to be able to communicate our thoughts, our feelings, our wants, our needs. We all need to communicate to others, and how well we do it influences whether or not we reach those people and get what we are looking for.

For the most part, those we relate to are not mind readers, they cannot telepathically know what we are thinking, therefore we must tell them. When we tell them we must communicate ...that is to say we must approach it on a level that encourages them to listen, to hear, to digest what we say to them and to then respond, hopefully in a positve manner.

Communicating with Keepers and other survivors of abuse or other trumas requires us to communicate gently, supportively, compassionately, and honestly. Hmmm...come to think of it, sounds like a good way to communicate with anyone, doesn't it? Maybe that is my whole point here, that when dealing with anyone we need to make every effort to honestly communicate, to make every effort to make it as easy as possible for the recipient to hear us, to understand what we are saying. We should make them comfortable with our words, our tone of voice, our inflections, and as a result we should be able to communicate better.

Communicating is indeed a two way street and we as listeners to someone else must make every effort to hear what they are saying. We need to focus on them, their words, their eyes, their presentation, read them as they speak, watch for thier body language also. Realize they may be uncomfortable or nervous, weigh it all and hear them. Really hear what they are saying and not what you think they want you to hear or worse yet, what you want them to say.

Communication, is so important to relationships. Be it a stranger saying "excuse me" or a sales person or a friend or a loved one, or oneself. Yes, we must also learn how to tell ourselves things and listen to our inner self as it tries to direct us, to make us hear what is being presented to us.
Being a good listener is tantamount to a good conversation and communication. Do not expect others to listen to you when you won't listen and hear them. Communication, successful communication is an art, one we all need to improve on.

peace and blessings to all of you

john m


Tracy said...

Great Post. I am working on communication with my husband. Sometimes we get our singles crossed because we do not really hear. Or really understand what the other is saying. We have had to sit, and really look eye to eye, and try really hard to hear each others points of views. It has been hard work, but well worth the time and effort I think because it has made our marriage stronger.

imo said...

Hi mysti

glad you stopped by, appreciate your comments also. Communicating is so important, i know I fail miserably sometimes at hearing what keepers are saying and they with me sometimes. usually that is when they are abeacting though and then we both have a difficult time reaching the other. remembering words that may trigger others and not using them is also a part of mastering communicating.

thanks again and peace anf blessings to you and yours

john michale

Mariaehart said...

Hello John My dear Friend:)

Thank you very much for this wonderful topic here tis great indeed:) well for me I always feel that there is always room for improvement in my communication skills my friend but dare I say it I do try sincerely to listen from my heart and I also try and put myself in the other persons shoes so to speak and think about how I would feel in whatever the other person I am communicating with's position hope that makes sense my friend:)

Lots of Love
Your Friend

imo said...

It makes complete and very sensitive sense Maria. Too bad more people don't approach it from your viewpoint. Communicating with abuse survivors requires sensitivity and understanding and people who will not allow that are part of the problem and not the solution, imo.

hugs to you!!

john michael