Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Isn’t it amazing how people point the finger at their victims or those they have abused? Don't tell anyone what happened, it's our secret. Don't tell anyone or something bad will happen to you. Don't tell anyone or they will make your daddy go away. Don't tell anyone or they will take your mommy go away. Don't tell anyone or God will punish you. Don't tell anyone or I will not be your friend anymore. Don't tell anyone, no one will believe you anyway. Don't tell anyone, or I will have to punish you. Don't tell anyone, or I will cry that you would hurt my feelings. Don't tell anyone, or I won't like you anymore. Don't tell anyone or you will die.

Don't tell anyone, no matter what.

Nevermind that what I did to you destroyed your sense of self worth. That it made you feel dirty and disgusting, not loved and cared for. That it made you feel violated instead of protected. That it made you split into more than one being that staggered around in confusion and a haze for half a lifetime. Or that it ruined almost all of your future relationships because it's effect were so far reaching.

Don't tell anyone, I didn't do anything wrong anyway. You are the bad one, not me.

Then why do you care if I tell anyone? Why do you want me to not speak of it? Why do you ask for continuance after continuance? Why do you get so riled up if you did nothing wrong? Why do other family members wait until they are on their death beds to admit they knew what you were doing? Why do they wait nine years to tell the abused, oh yeah my dad knew what uncle so and so did to you?


john michael


Anonymous said...

Ah, good point. "If this is what all daddies do to their little girls, why can't I tell?"

imo said...

the lies and untruths the perps instill in children takes a lifetime to eradicate, if then. It just makes me sick when i hear the crap people do to children. Thanks for coming by
John Michael

Anonymous said...

It is amazing that those words "Don't tell anyone" can have so much power. Like so many others, as result of those words, I have lost a life time. But, now I am trying to break the silence and begin life from this moment on.

imo said...

I am glad I could write something you could identify with, even though it is obviously very painful. Breaking the Silence, the road to recovery, etc and also be aided by others who are survivors also. Feel free to visit http:www.keeperskorner.com to get more articles, blogs, links that you will find helpful as you reclaim your life. I wish you success and healing and my support.

peace and blessings

john michael