Friday, January 26, 2007

Our Old Friend

Our old friend Harold, to whom Keepers have dedicated their site, Keeperskorner is looking down on us from on high, smiling his smirky smile he so often displayed when he was right!

He was the first person to really give keepers credit for their art, their poetry, their desire to reach people. If he was here now I know he would be so proud of them. He would be involved in the charitable side of it, the bookkeeping side, the planning stages for whatever visons we could come up with.

When I lost my job, as did he, he helped us survive financially, though it burdened him also. He financed keepers first attempts at marketing their creations, he encouraged and critiqued, but always fairly.

If you were willing to work hard at your goals, he was there to help you succeed. He took great joy in seeing it happen and yet gave you all of the credit. Maybe that's why he meant so much to keepers. He was the first person to see what was inside them, to believe in them, to give them credit. He was as much their friend and mentor as mine, perhaps more theirs than mine. They had an affinity for each others passions and goals, they saw the real person inside each other that they kept hidden from most of the rest of the world.

I know you are pleased Harold, they have done so good, so much, and they aren't even near being done yet! Keep watching old friend, neither keepers nor I will let you down. Keepers and I will never forget you, you are still and always will be a part of who we are now.

Thank you and God bless

John Michael


jumpinginpuddles said...

sounds like an awe inspiring guy im glad he was in both of your lives

imo said...

so are we, he was a very special person with a very interesting life behind him. he had some stories to tell. what is neat is we know he knows what is happening and is happy for all of us.


john w

Tracy said...

A beautiful tribute to your friend.

imo said...

Thank you Mysti, when we found this picture of Harold we wanted to put it up on our Wall of Wonderful and it made Keepers and me remember all he did for us on so many levels, and still does.

John Michael