Monday, January 15, 2007

Dr. Martin Luther King

He had a dream.

A dream not yet realized and depending on who you ask it may or may not ever be realized. Is it closer than it was? Certainly, but there is still a long way to go.

So much of what Dr. Martin Luther King said is appropriate to many people, not just the African Americans, because his words are universal in that anyone who is ignored, shunned, and in some ways a second class person, not a citizen but a person, has need of his words, to see that they too are due a better way of life, with recognition of who they are and equality in all aspects of life.

Are the children who over the years have been abused in one way or another treated the same as those who were not? Have the perpetrators asked for forgiveness? Resolved to stop and help others stop or better yet, not do it in the first place? Our friend Maria writes about the miseries inflicted on the children in the home called Nazareth House, has the church yet acknowledged the abuse those children endured? No.

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. "

This is one of Keepers favorite quotes and is by Dr. King. It is part of their philosophy that they incorporated into their lives, to move forward, to begin the healing. It is I am sure how most survivors move onward, and aren't races of people and social stratas of people and those in classifications such as abused or autistic or handicapped or nameless and countless others all simply trying to move up to a better way of life, a better standard of life? Whether it is to be recognized as worthy of treatment or worthy of a heartfelt and sincere apology or to be able to sleep a good nights sleep without yesterdays fears haunting you, or the hurts and pains both of physical and emotional abuse that won't go away; isn't that a worthy progression and goal for all and any person no matter what race, no matter what religion, no matter what sexual preference to be asked for, no, not to be asked for, just simply to have?

Dr. King, you were an inspiration to so many and as our world continues to evolve your words are special and enduring to more people now perhaps than ever before. They are words that apply to many people, in many situations, in many dire needs, people who are worthy and justified in asking for and receiving common courtesies and acknowledgments and treatments from medical professionals, from church officials, from governments and from their fellow man and woman.

You were and are an inspiration to many people. Many of them have followed in your word path, used it to better themselves, to grow and evolve and many of them will help others thanks to you and your words. What a wonderful legacy to leave in this world, helping others grow and become more than they ever thought they would or could be.

To Dr. King and all those who have been inspired by his words, "Thank You for what you have given to so many, be it one or one billion, someone was touched by your words and are better for it.

Peace and blessings to all

john and keepers

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