Thursday, June 21, 2007

There is Family, Then There is Family

Keepers just wrote a blog today about Family, what is it, why is it, who is it?

In the end after all was said and done they made a very definite point that blood and DNA should not be the all inclusive factors in determining who your "family" is, there are other factors to consider, like loyalty, deserved loyalty not blind loyalty. Honesty, in dealing with people, honesty in doing what you say you will do, honesty in how you treat strangers also. Being supportive, not only when convenient or to your benefit, but when the other person needs your support.

Too many people blindly say "it is my family I have to do this or do that" and that is boloney! When your family is hurtful, or dangerous, or deceitful or hateful or abusive or trapped in addictions, or mean or negative in their behaviors and actions, your family lines must be drawn in order to protect you, and others you love.

Both keepers and I have had to withdraw from many blood family members because they are harmful to us, and to others, and to themselves and no matter what we do they are not changing, they have no desire to, so the relationship had to cease. Other members of our families have done the same thing, because in their opinion it is harmful to them, it is negative to them, it is in their best interest to put space between them and their family. In the end, one must look out for one self and those who cannot protect themselves.

I could write a lot more here, and I probably will in the days coming, but for now let it be stated, we have found so many more people who are not blood or DNA related that we feel so close to, so in line with, so attached to and so cared for that we also care so much for, that we consider to be our family. Your normal standard family, no! But that isn't so bad, when you look at society and what is considered normal now, it is not bad at all. In fact, it is quite a few notches above in my opinion.

Happy trails to all



Anonymous said...

thank you for writing about that family and the norms. this is MC and you are welcomed to comment yourself if you want to at our wordpress ...
take care john and thank you for all you do for the keepers and us ... :-)

IdgyEdgy said...

"we are family...i got all my sisters with me" (in more ways than one!). ya just had to get me singing again eh john?

good blog. dna sucks if ya ask me. i'll take the family we've chosen over biological family any day.

a philosophy teacher once argued the point that everyone chooses the family they are born to. what kind of crap is that? made me wonder what kind of drugs we were on when we chose our family? felt like blaming the victim shit to me again, but what do i know? ha!

later, ciao, aloha, ttfn & happy trails back at ya!


imo said...


Hey, i saw your pictures from camp and the tae kwando, did you get your belt? Tell you what, i will leave comments over there! I read 'em, same ones keepers read but I leave the commenting to them usually or sometimes we both conspire and say keepers and john. any way, glad to have ya here and don't be a stranger

happy trails


imo said...

Hey cj

i personally think that is crap that we choose our families i can't even imagine how or why anyone would defend that philosophy or promote it!
What an idiot!

glad to see you got a song going on there!

later gator


jumpinginpuddles said...

families suck but then again who wants a family anyway, cause the name as you know now originates from the word familiar and to me going for a piss is familiar and thats how i see family like piss.
If ya wanna delete this please do if ive said too many swear words


imo said...

Hi Angela
Far be it from me to have anything against colorful language, i am very guilty of that myself, just ask keepers. As far as how you feel, or I feel or a multitude of other multiples and survivors feel, I am sure they feel much the same or at least towards some members of their family.

Feel free to revisit anytime

john m