Saturday, April 14, 2007

People Struggling All Over the Place

As Keepers Korner continues onward we are seeing more people struggling than usual. It seems to be cyclical and with Easter just ending the obvious tie in to a holiday rears it's ugly head once more. As you prepare to go to the next holiday function be it family, friends whatever, notice those who seem to be off to the side or who came up with an excuse to not be there and take the time to be observant. It is a possibility that these people have memories associated with the holidays that overwhelm them, unpleasant memories that the holiday brings right back to the forefront.

I once heard that 85% of the American families are dysfunctional, and the more I see and hear
the more I am beginning to believe it. The more I pay attention to those around me and what they say and do I can almost piece together some more dysfunctional scenarios. The more you watch and listen you may well see and recognize behaviors that say, I was hurt, I had terrible role models, I am so ashamed, etc. These are all people struggling and they come from all walks of life, all nationalities, all religions. Abuse knows no mark or line it cannot cross, it does not care. Rich, poor, black, white, yellow, purple with polka dots, doesn't matter. Catholic, Lutheran, Jewish, Amish, quaker, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhists, it doesn't care. It respects no lines, no boundaries, no limitations.

Be aware of what you see, watch for those who need a kind word, a hug, whatever. Many people out there just need to know someone cares about them. People are struggling all over the place, therefore people all over the place need help and understanding. Do what you can, every little bit helps.

peace and blessings

john michael


Anonymous said...

It's true isn't it. It knows no boundries. Nice post.

Anonymous said... boundaries at all...pretty darned sad that it exists at all

thank you for visiting

john michael