Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Positivity Brings Prosperarity

According to the Webster-Merriam on line dictionary positivity is defined as follows:

Main Entry: pos·i·tiv·i·ty

1 : the quality or state of being positive

2 : something that is positive

The state of being positive, therefore not negative, which may be one of the most difficult things you have ever attempted. Try changing your outlook, your attitude, your expectations, your viewpoints, your inner and outer beings to being 100% positive. Remove the negative in every avenue of your thoughts. It is not as easy as it sounds because we are so trained in the negative outlook and perceptions from birth right on up?

How do we replace our everyday actions and comments and attitudes with positive ones? How do we acquire that ability? With our minds. We have to make a conscious effort to keep our thoughts 100% positive. When we find ourselves straying we have to make the effort to remove the negative and replace with the positive.

Keepers and I have been doing this for two weeks now, making full out conscious efforts to change our thinking, not only to positivity but also to prosperarity.

You can look prosperarity up in the dictionary, but you won’t find it. I made it up. To me though it is that rare form of prosperity, where we prosper in all aspects of our lives. You can be prosperous money wise, or friend wise or land wise or talent wise, but prosperarity

Is the ability to prosper in many aspects of life, in fact as many as possible, which is indeed a rarity.

As I said earlier, keepers and I have been changing our thought processes for a little over 2 weeks now, and we do see changes already. We see changes in ourselves and in each other. There is way less stress which in turn makes us feel better physically and emotionally. We have been told that we look different, younger and more energized. We have received many blessings already in the form of donations to Keepers Korner, in the form of a reduced dental bill that was unexpected, of a free dinner courtesy of a friend, our friends who were sick have recovered from their illnesses, and we know there is more, much more to come.

I know some of you are asking “What has John been smoking?” but the answer is just the usual, menthol light Marlboros…so no, I am not whacked out on anything except for this new found method of making our lives better in every aspect possible.

Whenever something negative occurs or you find the negative thoughts and attitudes creeping back in make every effort to remove them asap and replace with positive thoughts and affirmations. Look for positivity in the people around you, look at the people you meet at the bank or store and see if your positivity isn’t reflected back to you. People pick up on it and I firmly believe if they are positively motivated people they will respond to you in a positive manner. These are people with the same outlook, one full of possibilities, all in the positive forward aspects we all are striving for.

In another week or two we will let you know how our positivity is progressing as well as our prosperarity and we hope you will also. Maybe some of you are already using this to better your lives. It comes under many theologies, many practices, many religions, old and new, many philosophers and such have been promoting this for years.

It is one thing to ask your God for this or that but it is quite another to believe with every fiber of your being that God, the Universe, the Higher Power will actually grant you your request. You have to have positive faith that it will occur, and it will.

Peace, blessings and joy

John and Keepers


jumpinginpuddles said...

interesting heard of this before but dont know if we beleive it, we are very positive and do focus on positives but hasnt done us an ounce of good, so am now wondering if that means you cna fail at being positive LOL

imo said...

Dear JIP

Thanks for coming by...positive thinking like this is indeed very difficult for multiples, for very obvious reasons...trying to get every alter to change their way of thinking to positive thoughts is a tremendous task, but it is worth it!! Trust me.
For success everyone has to be on a positive wavelength to attract positive things. In the beginning it is a very conscious effort by everyone, we are still making very conscious efforts to be positive but it is not as difficult as it was. Hang in there, keep trying, spread the positivity within and you will see changes for the better.

peace and blessings

john and Keepers