Sunday, August 12, 2007

What Do You Do?

What do you do when the one person you love more than life itself is not happy, is not fulfilled, is a victim of evil and hatred and you can do absolutely nothing to help? What do you do when their dream is slowly crumbling in front of them? What do you do when you see their dream, which was actually coming through, fall apart? Not just one dream but several, one after another. What do you do?

Everyday I get up and go out the front door knowing full well they have nothing to get up for. They have no one to see, no one to visit, they are alone. Yes, they have people they call, and they IM and they email but they have no one to see face to face, no one to hug in friendship. They had a website, created to offer their artwork and poetry and articles and links to other multiples so they too could find help, support and information that may offer them the strength to go on, to continue on their journey of healing. Then the site was corrupted, we had to start over, then the blog on the site was no longer supported by the software creators so we had to move the blog offsite and now, the site's number of visitors is decreasing rapidly. Why? Are websites passe? Do only blogs garner visits on the internet? Are there no more multiples looking for information or loved ones of multiples looking? Or significant others either?

I have been visiting other website lately, trying to get some clues, I have even sent emails to sites we have links to to see if they have blogs now, and if they have noticed a decline in visits.
I have also been searching for new sites also. It seems from what I can gather so far is that sites in general are not being updated unlike keepers korner, they do not have blogs, unlike keepers korner, and as best I can tell, no one is answering their emails.

The attacker also killed their ability to paint, to draw to write and nothing I do can restore it. Maybe, just maybe if and when the state ever gets it's red taped ass moving and finally finalizes
the discipline and judgement in their case against the former therapist those things will be restored. It has been way too freakin' long, they gave their testimony in January and this is August, seven months later, seven months and still nothing. That is pathetic. I will be sending a letter to the State Attorney General tomorrow, because this is ridiculous, especially when they say they need more people to come forward in cases like this, and yet they let these people, the victims, hang there for years waiting for closure.

It is just the same old shit coming from somewhere else.

What do you do?

happy trails



Anonymous said...

I'm CS, signifigant other to Miquie;s Crew. I can absolutely relate to your frustration over lack of resources for SO's. I find that most information out there written for partners is specifically targeted towards SO's whose partner was recently diagnosed; and what is there seems very basic and, in my opinion, obvious.

Because of this lack of info I have been seriously considering writing a book for signifigant others.

If you're comfortable, I'd love to get in contact with you and discuss this in further depth. My e-mail is

Until then take care of yourself and best of luck.

jumpinginpuddles said...

You have faith that those multiples who do visit and support will and can be the friends they need even if it is miles and miles away. That as a partner who gives a shit unlike others who dont (we are married to one) remind them each day this one fact : we have organised with mon to pay more each week of therapy and she is opening a bank account and putting in the excess just for our trip next year overseas, will take a year but it will be worth it.
Just a thought

imo said...

hi CS

i will try to get you an email this weekend sometime! I look forward to discussing our common issues and concerns and also those we care for so much.

peace and blessings


imo said...

hi JIP

thank you for writing and believe me when i say i am sorry your so is not more helpful. i like your idea od the savings account by M to tuck the trip money away!

hope you have a good weekend, i hear you have a short trip coming up

happy trails


a villager said...

I can relate to some of that there, mostly only socialize online. The people I do know, only get to see maybe once a month but my husband he sees them every day cause he works with them. But don't really know anyone who's just my friend. Too afraid they'd find out about the village and be hateful to me.

We recently started to ride our bike, don't exactly meet people really but kind of do. It's fun to get out and kind of feel braver.

That helps some as it turns out, get to go out and mill around in the little shops in town.

I only recently realized there is more good blogs out there, most i kept finding was not updated in months, sometimes years. Don't say much cause sometime never sure if bloggers are okay with comments being left, sometimes they're real rude about it.

Oh yeah i just reread what you said, you did mention the old sites. That's the pits, try to find some others and their sites are old. Then we wonder.. what happened, did they make a new site under a new name to avoid someone, or what? Then some are whoa.. hard on the eyes!

So I hope it is okay to answer, hope it makes any sense. When it storms outside it is hard to think from all the thunder but we have seen Keeper's Korner site before jsut never knew there was a blog! but we linked it now, and like it a lot. Like the other links you both have too. Guess I am just slwo to catch on to the good blogs!

imo said...

Dear VillageogMany

thank you so much for visiting here and keepers blog and keeperskorner! we hope you will continue to visit all and find things useful to you in your journey. As I search around I will try to find more blogs and add the links to here and keepers blog and site links! The website should have new updates in the next week or so also!

take care and happy Trails!!