Wednesday, July 04, 2007

When to fold 'em

Keepers just wrote a blog about knowing when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em and I couldn't agree with them more. They finally folded for the game they were in, a very painful game that had gone on way too long.

Now it is over.

You have to realize when something is no longer dreamable, when it is just too far gone to ever recover. That is when you fold 'em and find a new game.

That is what we have had to do.

We all have to sometimes, no getting around it. Sometimes the players come around, sometimes they don't, sometimes they get better sometimes they get worse. Sometimes they try to drag you down with them, into some new, twisted game of their choice. We chose not to.

Been in too many of those over the years and we are not interested in getting into any new ones like that or staying in any old ones like that. Life moves on, we play the cards we are dealt, in each game. There is no rules about finding other games. Everyone is encouraged to find a new one if the game they are in is a losing game.

I hope you all can recognize when you are in a game which says, hold or fold, and I pray you can fold if need be, and go find a new game. To all of you who can hold 'em and come out a winner I applaud you.

happy trails



Anonymous said...

I don't understand what exactly you guys have been going through with this person, but it sure sounds painful. I certainly hope they do not find their way into my life. I only need positive things and people in my life right now. It sounds like you guys made a good decision to fold.

imo said...

that is our attitude, keep the positive and remove the negative. our motto became if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. than;s for writing and may your life be full of the positives!