Tuesday, July 17, 2007

another window another door

as things happen we sometimes wonder where we are heading to...how will we work around this roadblock...how will we ever do that or help them....and then, somehow, someway...something comes along, it may be new...it may be something we never saw or realized before or it may be something completely new to us...but whatever it is it helps us accomplish that which we felt we could not.

a children's book titled knots on a counting rope helped keepers see what they and their littles were going through and also made the bigs realize what they had to do to help the littles. isn't it amazing how something as seemingly insignificant as a children's book could provide the secret to recovering? to regaining ones strength...to realize what one must do...too see what one is doing and accomplishing!

so you see, when all seems lost somehow or insurmountable just look around and open your eyes to all of the possibilities that are there, and do not restrict yourself to the easily and highly visible because you may be overlooking things that really could help you see that new path to take to get around the newest obstacle in your path.

they say when one window or door is closed God opens another, sometimes we just can't see them right away...something to do with not being able to see the forest because of all of the trees that are in the way.

happy and safe trails to all of you


Monday, July 16, 2007

Supporting Keepers

Keepers just wrote a blog reclaiming their lives and their little ones. All I can say is bravo and I am with you 115%! Whoever this person is they need to see that we are reporting all of their threats, that we refuse to kowtow to their lies and misinformation and that we will do everything we can to protect the little keepers and to let them know they are loved.

Whoever this person is, they need help, they need counseling, they need help. They are living in a world of their own creation, one that is no where near reality. Somehow, someway they need to realize this and get help to deal with it.

To them I say keepers and I will go on with Keeperskorner because it is the right thing to do. Keeperskorner helps people. We feel Keeperskorner is what we are supposed to be doing at this point in our lives and the feedback we get from other multiples and survivors says the same thing. We have the support of our local police department, of our Pastor, of the Attorney General's office and a whole lot of friends and family from here in our home state to countries half way round the world.

This is the right thing to do.

peace and blessings


Saturday, July 07, 2007

Great Distances

Over the last year keepers and I have met quite a few people over the internet, some we have IM'd with and emailed and some we have spoken with over the telephone and met none in person. So, when they or we have a crisis, mini or big, sudden or building to a crescendo, it would be so nice if we could hop in the car and drive over and sit with them and be there to help in some manner or vice-versa. That is the frustrating part of meeting everyone, only being able to be there for them over the distance, in spirit only. Maybe it is that way for a reason, I do not know such things.

We know people in Australia, the UK, Canada, Scotland, and India and each relationship is long distance. Like I said, though maybe there is a reason, maybe it is how the big plan is laid out. To be there for people, more or less blind, no perceptions of them except in your own mind. We do know how some look, at least from the neck up because they have kindly sent us a picture for our Wall of Wonderful, but even that can be forgotten when the voice on the other end of the phone line is in trouble. Granted, keepers are the main focal point with the other multiples and abuse survivors but I do IM with some and maybe talk on the phone with them if I answer but for the most part it is keepers sharing their experiences, consoling them, and sometimes they are the ones being consoled.

Point is, no matter how great the distance, no matter how different the time zones, we all try to do the best we can for each other. We often talk of meeting somewhere, sometime and whether it happens or not there are definite friendships being made and nurtured each and every day. A sad point but real point is that we also lose friends, as disease and tragedy strikes everywhere and maybe then, is when the distance sometimes eases the pain just a bit.

We consider ourselves blessed to be able to be a part of these people lives. There are those here we wish we could say the same for but we cannot. That is life and we must accept such things. At least we have these new friends who are in many ways our expanding family, not of blood but of necessity and of caring and of mutual concerns and true friendship.

To all of you no matter where you are, in fact some of you live a matter of hours away from us while others are on the other side of the world, we say thank you for being you and letting us be a part of your lives.

Happy trails


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

When to fold 'em

Keepers just wrote a blog about knowing when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em and I couldn't agree with them more. They finally folded for the game they were in, a very painful game that had gone on way too long.

Now it is over.

You have to realize when something is no longer dreamable, when it is just too far gone to ever recover. That is when you fold 'em and find a new game.

That is what we have had to do.

We all have to sometimes, no getting around it. Sometimes the players come around, sometimes they don't, sometimes they get better sometimes they get worse. Sometimes they try to drag you down with them, into some new, twisted game of their choice. We chose not to.

Been in too many of those over the years and we are not interested in getting into any new ones like that or staying in any old ones like that. Life moves on, we play the cards we are dealt, in each game. There is no rules about finding other games. Everyone is encouraged to find a new one if the game they are in is a losing game.

I hope you all can recognize when you are in a game which says, hold or fold, and I pray you can fold if need be, and go find a new game. To all of you who can hold 'em and come out a winner I applaud you.

happy trails


Monday, July 02, 2007

mean and cruel

I am sorry to admit that i have said things to people at times that was mean and or cruel, not intentionally but more through not thinking before I spoke or wrote and generally as a much younger person. As I have grown older and seen more I often wonder why people in their 30's, 40's and even in their 90's can say so many mean and cruel things to people as if they have absolutely no effect on those they speak to! Are they that clueless that they do not realize the hurt they are inflicting? Are they that ignorant? Or...are they that mean and cruel?

A friend of ours just went through this, when their weight was the butt of their other friends jokes and while they attempted to laugh it off and chalk it up to "well we really are big and fat, so it was true, and we should not be upset when they say something true". it did indeed hurt and hurt deeply. For their "friends" to say that, is to me, boorish behavior on their part.

I have seen older people do this also, my own grandmother will ask "why is she wearing that hat? It looks silly" or "why did she color her hair, it was so much better looking before," or "why are you wearing that and showing off so much skin?" Each of these comments were directed at keepers, in each instance it was said as if only her opinion counted and keepers should change just for her. It is her complete lack of caring about what effects her comments have on people that made me realize, she enjoys being this way.

One of keepers grandmothers was the same way, she would tell family members lies, saying A said B was this or that, then go to B and say did you know A said this about you? then come over to C and say, watch A and B!!! she would laugh as they reacted to her lies!! how mean and cruel can any one person be? I mean abuse that creates multiplicity is indeed horrific but this is abuse also in my opinion.

Writing lies in blogs, blog comments and emails in an effort to hurt are just as abusive and just as mean and cruel, and only goes to prove that the writer is a sick, twisted person who cares about no one but themselves.

Another person is the one who says something offensive and then laughs, as if to say oh this is all a joke, I didn't mean it and in an effort to not make a scene the offended person, laughs along, all the while hurting inside or being angered but none the less, saying nothing in their own defense.

People who make these cruel comments verbally or in text, we have tried to remove from our lives, they are not beneficial to our well being. They are not people we want to be around. There is no reason to put yourself in the direct path of mean and cruel words. We all deserve to be treated with respect and if people cannot do that....so long!

Happy trails to all

John M