Sunday, October 12, 2008

Something Is Rotten

A dear friend of keepers and myself, a woman who is a multiple, a woman we helped a year ago when her apartment flooded, a woman whose state appointed agency did nothing then to help her, a woman who keepers talk with every day, day in day out, has literally been buried alive in the system or it at least looks that way. They know each other, they trust each other, KK and keepers have helped them through some very rough times and this dear lady appreciates keepers and supports Keepers and KK emotionally and spiritually.

After KK and an affiliate ministry put her up for 3 days to get away from her mold infested apartment KK actually wrote to the state attorney general and lo and behold several months later, the case worker, the case manager and the caretaker were all fired or quit. Word was that the attorney general was investigating the caretaking company and was cleaning house. The only two we know of to not be replaced were the therapist, who is a social worker and the medical psychiatrist. New people were assigned to her case and things appeared to be turning around.

Keepers and her therapist had corresponded via emails, the therapist having no knowledge of MPD was asking Keepers for directions in things to read , who to read, etc and thanked Keepers for the friendship and assistance they offered to this lady.

The therapist was leaving this caretaking company and offered to take our friend to her private practice so she could continue to see her but all the rest would be handled by this organization, the caretaking, the caseworker, etc.

Suddenly things began to change, our friend told keepers they felt their T was threatening to hospitalize her or put her in a group home. She was in a group home and was raped and abused there so that was not an option as far as she was concerned.
This caretaking company was supposed to be sure our friend was taken to the grocery store to buy her groceries, taken to a laundromat to do her laundry and get help. She needed help because she has fibro, asthma, and several other physical infirmities. They do not do this on a constant basis. When her apartment was flooded her doctor gave her a letter to give to the apartment manager because the mold was not not being cleaned up nor was the flooding fixed, every time it rains halfway heavily her apartment flooded again. It took the case manager a week to get to our friend who was too sick to walk to the apartment managers office and give them the letter from the doctor for our friend.

Now, this past Thursday this lady called Keepers and also sent Keepers an email with a link in it. She received it from her therapist and was told to read it very thoroughly. It is a paper that presents a whole bunch of "reasons" for MPD/DID ranging from severe sexual abuse to alien abduction, to government CIA covert programs to SRA, from demon possession to therapist created. To say this upset her would be an understatement. On Friday morning she called Keepers to say goodbye, her T has called her, the case manager or worker was on their way to her apartment to take her to a state hospital! Keepers said she sounded drugged to a degree, her voice had no emotion, no feelings, very monotone.

Something about this whole thing smells to high heaven in my opinion. I want to write to the attorney general again but we have absolutely nothing concrete to send them. Let's be honest, we all have read horror stories about mental hospitals, much less a state hospital, and this woman is suddenly placed away. She has no family near her, no one to say, "where are you?" "Are you safe?" and that is rotten and disgusting and so offensive, that a person can be buried alive and swept under a carpet of bureaucracy.

This is not a happy trail



jumpinginpuddles said...

hmmm have many thoughts on this one the main one being is her therapist a plant?

imo said...

whatever she is using the term therapist seems to a stretch of the imagination, imo!!

happy trails JIP
