Saturday, February 10, 2007

Guest Blogs

Next week, Tuesday through Thursday probably, keeperskorner will be unaccessible due to being switched from one server to another by our new webmaster. Until the site is back up Keepers will post their blogs on this site. If you are not a usual visitor to Keeperskorner we hope you will return here and read some of their blogs and maybe you will get interested to visit the site once it is accessible again.

For those of you who do not know of Keeperskorner it is a site for multiples, those who have multiple personalities and other abuse survivors. It is the web arm of Keeperkorner Inc. a nonprofit corporation chartered in the state of Missouri, USA. The mission of keeperkorner is to Offer non therapeutic and non advisory contact, caring and support for abuse survivors, including those with MPD/DID, and their loved ones. The Vision is To build a network of survivors who will offer assistance, education, caring and support in a non-therapeutic manner to help enable those abused to not only survive but also to thrive.

We offer support via articles, a toll free number for US residents to call to hear a friendly voice attached to someone who will listen, art that hopefully will touch your heart as well as poetry. There are other services and items available which many may find soothing, especially to those who are multiple and their littles are particularly needy emotionally. That is why we have some stuffed animals and "softies" that many littles enjoy holding.

Keepers blogs are about their efforts to not only survive but to thrive and how they are doing it, but also seeking advice and comments from others who may have already "been there done that". All survivors are at different points on their road to recovery, and all can use support in one way or another. All they ask is common courtesy, support and honesty.

We hope you will come back next week and visit keepers blogs and hopefully leave a comment or two. Til then, be good to yourselves.

John Michael


jumpinginpuddles said...

thanks for letting us know john :)

imo said...


no problem, it's posted on kk blog also.
hope you are "fine" i say that after reading your blog tonight! tell Amelia I said "hi"!

john michael

Mariaehart said...

Hello My Friends:)
Thanks for letting us know John hope you are well and the snow is not too severe there for you all:)thinking of you all:)
Lots of Love
Your Friend

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming by Maria, though it was over so quick it was hardly time worthy to do, oh well, que sera sera

See you back at Keeperskorner!!!
