Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The "Boys" Are Free

The "boys" are Max and Owen our two cats that have had their territory reduced once the Christmas tree went up! They both find it difficult to resist the urge to climb the tree and nestle upon a few branches and lay in there until someone notices them. Obviously the trip up and back down dislodges a few ornaments nott o mention the bending of the branches.

Once the tree goes up, usually a day or two after Thanksgiving, they are relegated to the basement unless both of us are here to keep an eye on them which also means when we go to bed they go downstairs.

We love 'em dearly but the tree we need at Christmas time. Well today the tree came down, keepers felt so bad for them they gave in and said take it down, Christmas is over and the boys are looking way too pathetic and sorrowful. She was right, some nights they would hide at bedtime other nights they accepted their banishment almost too nonchalantly. Other nights I would pick one up and he would just look at me, sorrowful eyes and all, then a "meeow" for a wee bit of emphasis.

As I write this they are both curled up in the living room like two peas in a pod in a triumphant get together clinging of kitty minds. As they lay there we wonder what will happen when we head for bed and don't send them downstairs. When we went to the store this afternoon without putting them downstairs they kind of looked at me like, "did you forget something?"

So they are free, free to roam, free to find some other way of getting in trouble, free to come up on our bed if they so desire (maybe one of these days). I can read their faces and it is written in big bold letters, WE WON, WE ARE BACK ! WE ARE IN CHARGE!

Cats, ya gotta love 'em.

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and may the New Year bring nothing but joy to you and yours

john Michael and Keepers

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